Loading and firing took two days - the first 8 hours was just heating - then cranked it up to 1800 degrees for about 8 hours, then cool down for another 5 hours. Salt is added in packets.
This is the whole class before unloading the kiln
Finished work was piled on a table
The blue fire plume above the studio was beautiful!

The unbricking of the kiln was incredibly exciting as our completed works were revealed. Of course it was all still very hot!omp

Salt firings are very unpredictable - a lot of the work came out looking charred more than glazed and lovingly fired.... But the whole process from start to finish was extremely exciting and rewarding.
This is the whole class before unloading the kiln
Finished work was piled on a table

We could check on the progress through peep holes.
The unbricking of the kiln was incredibly exciting as our completed works were revealed. Of course it was all still very hot!omp

Salt firings are very unpredictable - a lot of the work came out looking charred more than glazed and lovingly fired.... But the whole process from start to finish was extremely exciting and rewarding.
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